7 Hot Trends for Interior Fitouts

Recycled Timber

You don’t have to be an interior designer such as Sorgiovanni Interiors to make some trendy changes to your restaurant or cafe the next time it needs a fit-out.  Simply knowing what is trendy and incorporating it into your present decor is often enough to give your hospitality space an edge.  These days, so many people are interested in going green, being sustainable and saving the environment that they will even choose a cafe where they can see such themes in action.

So here are 7 hot trends some of which also incorporate sustainability, making your cafe of interest to many such patrons.

  • An open plan kitchen. This won’t suit every cafe model, but when it does the result is magical. People love to be able to see how chefs work, especially when they are creating meals with natural ingredients, all part of sustainability.
  • Using recycled materials somewhere in the building ensures that those who are into recycling will feel satisfied to know you are trying to conserve the earth’s resources. This can be as simple as finding used bricks to use as part-walls or for the front of your reception counter, or finding some distressed timber to add in for a counter or for ceiling beams or other decorative elements.

  • Customers like comfort and increasingly, high end cafes are adding touches of comfort that reflect residential choices. A sofa with a coffee table or padded easy chairs for the dining tables make a warm and comfortable experience for customers. Add home cooking and natural produce for an even more homey feel.
  • Seating gets another mention since it is one of the most important elements in any cafe or restaurant. It doesn’t have to match now. Instead, a comfy bench seat along one wall with two dining chairs opposite often works well. Small round tables with two or three easy chairs around them are also trendy.
  • If your cafe attracts many younger customers, they seem to like that edgy, slightly unfinished look of exposed beams and wiring that is visible – but of course, still safe. Not everything has to be covered over and made to look like something else.
  • Communal dining rather like a bar is often something that young people like too, as it gives them a chance to speak to perfect strangers without crowding their space. Long tables where many people can sit together is becoming trendy, even though it used to be the normal thing way back when.

Themed cafes are now  becoming much more the thing. You can design a cafe around a sporting theme or have a pet focus. If people can bring their pets with them for a coffee, they’ll love it – and so will the pets.